miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

Temario Unidad 4 4to Primaria

ElementaryBilingual Integration Program
Unit 4 Contents                       Theme: On Vacation 
Take Shape 4
Along this unit children are going to:
§  learn about household objects and accessories
o   identificaran objetos de hogar y accesorios.
§  learn about fingerprints
o   aprenderán acerca de las huellas digitales.
§  ask and answer about what they were doing at certain times:
             What were you doing yesterday at 3 p.m.? I was playing soccer.
o   Hacer y contestar preguntas sobre actividades en un cierto momento.
§  give descriptions of people and their clothes: 
Yesterday, you were wearing a blue dress. 
o   Describir diferentes tipos de prendas.
§  He was tall with short blond hair.
§  read about thieves—both animals and people •
§  identify and practice words spelled with “ie,” “ea,” and “ee” •
§  use adjectives to describe people’s personalities:    quiet, funny, etc.
§  write a description of their favorite character. •
The children are also going to learn about the value of responsibility

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